Edit an Existing Above Unit/Unit Automated Association Rule

Rules for Above Units and Units can be automatically assigned to users, and existing Automated Association Rule for an Above Unit or Unit can be edited.

Navigation: UKG Pro LearningAdmin MembersAssociate Units with Users

  1. Select the Above Unit or Unit by title.
  2. Select Advanced Association.
  3. Locate the rule you wish to change.
  4. Select the wrench icon.
  5. When the changes are complete, select Associate Now and Set Rule.

Saving the new changes by setting the new rule will erase the old association rule, and, depending on the changes you have applied, the Above Unit/Unit associated through an older version of the rule may be affected.

  • Above units/units associated through an older version of the rule but still matching the criteria of the current rule will continue to be considered as part of the rule. This reflects the setting Dissociate when criteria are not met anymore.
  • If Dissociate when criteria are not met anymore was checked in the old rule version, the above units/units associated through an older version of the rule but not matching the criteria of the current rule will be instantly dissociated.

Examples of changes that may affect your Above Units/Units:


Rule Name

Rule Criteria



Rule v1

- Dissociate checked

- AU A

Unit in Above Unit A was associated via Rule v1. It isn’t going to be dissociated when it won’t meet the criteria (based on the new version of the rule).

Rule v2

- Dissociate unchecked

- AU A


Rule v1

- Dissociate unchecked

- AU A

Unit in Above Unit A was associated via Rule v1. It is going to be dissociated when it won’t meet the criteria anymore.

Rule v2

- Dissociate checked

- AU A


Rule v1

- Dissociate checked

- AU A

Unit in Above Unit A was associated via Rule v1. It is going to be dissociated upon editing the rule to v2.

Rule v2

- Dissociate unchecked

- AU B


Rule v1

- Dissociate unchecked

- AU A

Unit in Above Unit A was associated via Rule v1. It isn’t going to be dissociated upon editing the rule to v2 but he will stop being considered as part of the rule.

Rule v2

- Dissociate checked

- AU B




Rule v1

- Dissociate unchecked

- AU A, B, C


Unit in Above Unit B was associated via Rule v1. It is going to be dissociated when it won’t meet the criteria anymore (Rule v#3).


Rule v2

- Dissociate unchecked

- AU A, B

Rule v3

- Dissociate checked

- AU A

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