Library Content Editing Options

Your Academy Library can be a powerful tool for you to share knowledge with the members of your Academy. There are several options you have after uploading a piece of content into your Library.

Navigation: UKG Pro LearningLibrary > locate item > More info

A panel appears with the various options.

  • Edit the content's Name, Description, Tags, and Language.
    Note: The Languages of your Content items define the available filtering options in the Content Library. 
  • Add an Image (either by uploading a new one or by selecting an image already uploaded in the Library)
  • Save this content to a different Category/ to a specific course as a Lecture/ to another Academy. 
    Note: You can save content to another Academy only if you are a member of this Academy and you have the needed permissions to upload content.
  • Share this content with members or groups in your Academy. To share the content, you will be redirected to a page where you can use individual, advanced, or group share (similar to the assignments page). You can also add a message if needed. The recipients will be notified with email notification.
  • Download the item. This option is available for everyone who is able to see the content. 
    Note: Download is not available for web pages and web videos.
  • Delete the content item. There are two options available when deleting an item. You have the option to Delete the Library Item and the option to Delete the item from all Courses that it's part of as a lecture or supplemental material. Administrators and Training Managers have this option available for all items. Managers can only edit the courses that they have permission to manage/update.
  • Upload Subtitles if the content item is a video. Just upload the relevant file (ie. vtt, .srt). Please make sure that you have selected the language prior to uploading.
    Note: If the video is added to multiple courses, the subtitles will appear there as well.
  • Expiration Date: Allows you to add an Expiration Date to the content. If you set an expiration date, this content will be moved to the "Items in deleted categories" Category, once this date passes. 
    Note: Items in Deleted Categories is an automatically created category. When a library category is deleted, all its items are moved to this category. The same applies to expired content. In this category, everyone can see the items they uploaded and they are able to delete them permanently or move them to another category. Administrators are able to see all deleted items in this category.

    For items that are connected with courses, you also have the option to remove the course-connected file from the course once the library item is expired. A Delete Course Files Upon Expiration checkbox is visible under the Expiration Date field.


    This checkbox only appears when an expiration date is added to an item and is unchecked by default. If checked, when the expiration date comes and the file is moved to the content deleted folder, if this file is part of a course (as a lecture or supplemental material), then the lecture or supplemental material will be deleted.

  • Copy to Category: Copy the selected item and add it to another Category.
  • Private Share Link: Generates a link, that you can share with members of your Academy. Recipients of this link must log in to their Learning solution account in order to view the content.
  • QR Code: Provides you with a QR code that you can share with members of your Academy. Once you select this option, a PDF will be downloaded with the QR code included. As with the link, the recipient must log in before viewing the content.
  • History: Gives you an overview of when the selected item was edited (if the file was updated or the item title was changed, etc.) 
  • Update File/URL: Upload a new version of this item.
    Hint: When updating a URL you do not have to add a description and tags each time you update the link. Select the Retain Description and Tags checkbox, and then select the Fetch button.

  • Update Course File: Update a file within a course.

  • Update Course File Image: Select the courses that need to be updated with the new lecture thumbnail.

  • Update Course File Title: Select the courses that need to be updated with the new lecture title.

  • Update Course File Description: Select the courses that need to be updated with the new lecture description.

  • Add as a Lecture: This option allows you to add the selected item as a Lecture in specific courses. Just select the relevant courses in the window that arises.
    Note: The new Lecture will not be visible and you have to make it visible from the Edit Lectures page.

Note: When using Move-Copy to Category, Add-Delete Tags, and Delete, you can perform these actions in bulk by selecting the checkbox next to the content. You can perform these actions on all the items of a Category by selecting the top checkbox to Select All of the items.  

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