Use the HTML Gadget on the Home Page

The custom HTML gadget is available for Default and Custom Hope Page configurations. This allows you to add embedded content, images, or text formatting to a content block on Home Page. See the Academy Home Page help topic for more information.

Navigation: UKG Pro Learning > Home > arrow by your name > Edit Homepage > select configuration

  1. At the bottom of the gadget list, open the Choose Gadget drop-down list.
  2. Select HTML

    The HTML block gives you the option to use a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor, or to add custom HTML.
  3. To add custom HTML, such as for embedding content, select the Source button and enter your HTML code.
    Select Source again to save the code and see a preview.
  4. Select the Save button to save this to the Home Page.
  5. If you want the content to show up on the Mobile App, select the Show on mobile app check box. Two new tabs, Web and Mobile appear.

    The mobile tab automatically copies the code from the Web tab.
    1. To add different content to show on the Mobile App, select the Mobile tab and select the Use different text for mobile app check box.
    2. Add your source code or use the WYSIWYG editor.
  6. When inserting a link, to open it in a new tab, select the Target tab and select New Window (_blank).
  7. Select the Save button when finished.
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