Academy: An academy is the main educational environment within an organization - the organization’s associates, the educational material, and the tools required to give academy administrators the ability to manage it.
Group: A group is an organized gathering of like-minded individuals within the academy. As a group, they are able to share info and discuss common topics.
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators are important for all companies to monitor the performance of various areas within their organization. Academy admins can set up needed KPIs, categorize them, and upload data from third-party apps.
Business Impact: Business Impact is a tool that can help measure the impact of training on various KPIs.
Library: A library is a collection of digital files within the academy that may or may not be directly related to courses or curricula - much like a physical library in a school. The library may be organized with categories and sub-categories, only allowing access to specified individuals and groups.
Leaderboard: Leaderboards allow learners to see where they stand within the community or academy based on various parameters. This stimulates continued interest in learning. Users have the chance to be featured on their corporate leaderboard and earn rewards.
Skill: A skill is an ability that requires practice and training. Skills are associated with specific jobs and courses and then can help guide learners toward related goals.
Hierarchy and Organization
Organizational structure: The organization’s hierarchy within an academy. An organization’s various departments, divisions, locations, roles, and other elements are defined within the academy. This makes assigning material and permissions to, as well as communicating with, specific individuals much easier.
Unit: A unit is the smallest organizational structure made up of individuals. Units represent locations, stores, or business units.
Above-unit: An above-unit is a clustering of employees that is larger than a unit. An above-unit can either refer to an actual location, e.g. a state or country, or to virtual groupings, such as an arbitrary grouping of units into a single above-unit. Above-units represent areas, organizations, or people connected to units.
Job: The different roles individuals have anywhere in the hierarchy. Jobs are not academy-wide; they have to be associated with a specific unit or above-unit. An individual can have multiple jobs at multiple different above-units/units.
Roles: Roles are predefined jobs in the academy. They include:
- Administrators: Administrators have the ability to make adjustments to the academy itself as well as anything within it.
- Training Managers: Training Managers are able to build and manipulate the training infrastructure but are not allowed to adjust the academy in any other way.
- Content Managers: Content Managers can create folders and subfolders in the library and set access rules for those folders. They can also create and adjust training content within the infrastructure provided to them by the Administrators and Training Managers.
- Professional Instructors: Professional Instructors are authorized to set a price to courses. No one else can see the “Set price” field on the course management panel.
- Hourly Workers: This is a special permission set that simply designates the user as a non-salaried, hourly worker, and can be used for limiting access while not on the clock.
Learning Management
Course: A course is a shell to which various training steps can be added.
Course Steps:
You can add the following to courses:
- Lecture: Individual step within a course. A lecture can be a video, a document, a SCORM file, or web link.
- Exam: Exams are the quizzes and knowledge checks an instructor can create within a course. They are designed within courses as individual steps among lectures. The Learning solution has its own exam creation tool - no third-party applications are needed.
- Poll: Polls allow users to express their thoughts concerning specific questions. Polls can be made available to a specific course or group, or available within the academy as a standalone poll.
- On-the-Job Training: On-the-Job Training allows for various tasks to be completed in the presence of an instructor. The tasks can be verified and tracked within the learner’s record.
- Event – In-class Training: Training that takes place in a classroom with an instructor.
- Event – Live Sessions: Training that takes place virtually via web conference or similar means.
Curriculum: A curriculum is a series of related courses. Assigning a curriculum is more efficient than assigning individual courses.
Certificate: A certificate is awarded when each course/curriculum is completed and can be downloaded/printed from each user’s profile.
Credits: Credits are awarded in recognition of a learner completing a specific type of learning program. Many times credits are based on time and must be retaken on a regular basis.
Badge: Badges are awards provided to learners and displayed in the learner’s profile. They can be for completing specific tasks or at the administrator or training manager’s discretion.
Transitions: The training schedule for all new employees as well as for employees that change jobs within the company
Private Course/Curriculum: If the course is in Private mode, only people who either receive an invitation or are assigned to the course can see it. Even if those invited share the invitation link with others, they won't be able to see the course.
Public Course/Curriculum: If your course is in Public mode, then everybody can see it. You can, however, choose to publish the course selectively only to certain groups of people, that is, employees or external members.
Assignment: A member of an academy may be assigned to a course/curriculum by a Head of Above Unit, Unit Manager, Training Manager, Administrator, or by the course’s Instructors. Assignments can be allocated to either specific employees (Individual Assignment) or to a group of employees based on their job and location (Advanced Assignment).
Enrollment: Members of an academy can enroll in a course/curriculum provided they have the necessary permission to view it as available.
Standalone Events
Events don’t have to be connected with a Course/Curriculum. You have the option to create Standalone events (In-class training/Live Sessions), that is, they take place independently of any training material.