Track My Progress in My Dashboard

Users can track their progress and see details about their training and performance on their Personal Dashboard. Through the personal performance dashboard, regular users can easily identify their strengths and weaknesses, improve their metrics and choose a specific career path.

Please note that the blocks that appear on the User's Dashboard, are based on how your Academy Admin has set up your Academy.

To find your Personal Dashboard, hover over Me and then click My Dashboard from the upper navigation menu. 

An overview of your performance is presented in the Summary tab. You can find here information about:

Job and Metrics Performance

The Job Performance and Metrics Management blocks provide you with information on your metrics and job strengths.

Here you can see your strength per job and your performance per metric. Select a specific job or metric to see the progress of your performance in time.

Navigation: Me > My Dashboard


Click on the View Details field, you will be redirected to your Metrics Dashboard. There, you can check your assessments from your Online Training, from your Managers, and as well as the combined one, either for each metric separately, for all the metrics associated with each job, or for assessments made on a specific date.

Please note that these blocks will only be available for you if your admin has enabled Metrics for your Academy and if you have been assessed for your job/metric performance. 

Job and Metrics ranking

In these blocks, you can see the top five ranking scores (per job and metric) within your academy. This will help you to check how much more effort you should put in order to improve your position.


If you click on the View Details field, you will again be redirected to your Metrics Dashboard.

Please note that:

  • Ranking blocks are being shown in this tab only if the admin of your academy has the relative academy setting enabled.
  • Employee's identity will be hidden if the admin of your academy has the relative academy setting enabled.
  • Users have also the option to hide their name in Dashboard Rankings. In order to do so, navigate to Me >My Settings on the top toolbar, click on Privacy settings and check your Dashboard Visibility setting.

Perception Gap

On the Perception Gap block, you can the gap between your self-assessments and the assessments your managers have given you. 


Select the View Details field to be redirected to your Perception Gap Dashboard. 

Please note that this block is only available if Metrics and specifically the Perception Gap is enabled in your academy. 

Your Jobs Strength for alternative Jobs to consider

In this block, you can compare your current score (metric strength) with the requirements of other relevant jobs. You can follow a specific career path by clicking on the Improve button.


Your career path will guide you through the process to learn how to expand your metric -set for this path.

Please note that this block will be presented only if the admin of your academy has the Adaptive Learning - Career Paths setting enabled.

Career Paths

Here you'll find any career path you follow according to your job description and career paths you’ve already set up for yourself. You can check your metric strength and track your progress for a specific career path. You also have the option to monitor the correlation between the number of completed courses and your metric strength as well as have an overview of how much a course impacts your metric strength.


Please note that this block will be presented only if the admin of your academy has the Adaptive Learning - Career Paths setting enabled. You also need to have completed at least one course that contains metrics associated with the job you have selected. 

Compliance Rate

Here you are able to review your Compliance Rate for Courses and Curricula. 


If you click on View details, you will be redirected to your Compliance Dashboard where you will be able to review all the compliance courses/curricula that you are enrolled in and check your progress in them. 


Please note that sometimes your Compliance rate may differ from your Completion rate. This is because the Compliance rate checks if a user has an active certificate while on the other hand, the completion rate checks if a user has a current completion. For instance, if a user has an Active Certificate and is obliged to retake a course, then their completion rate will be 0%, but their compliance rate will still be considered 100%.


The Credits block displays the total Credits you have acquired in the Academy.


If you click on View details, you will be redirected to your Credits Dashboard where you will be able to review all the credits you have acquired, how much more you are required to acquire, and even upload external credits, if this is allowed in your academy.


Here you can have a quick overview of your training and see information such as the total number of Courses you are enrolled in as well as your Completion Rate and the number of your Completions.


If you click on the View Details field you will be redirected to your Training Dashboard where you can check your academy training in more detail.


Here you will find useful information with regard to all of your training such as your Courses, Curricula, Event, etc. You can even download a spreadsheet with all of your Course training, just by clicking the Excel button! 


Under the Transitions block, you can see an overview of your Transitions profiles' statistics. If you click on View details, you will be redirected to your Transitions Dashboard where you can learn more about your statistics within each profile. 


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