Configure Course Settings

Once courses have been selected for a curriculum, you can configure the course settings.

Navigation: Training > Courses > Manage Course


The left side menu displays the available settings that can be edited.


The following options can be configured:

  • Edit Course: Edit the basic course information, add prerequisites if needed, and add an image for this course. Note: You can add an image by uploading a new one, or by selecting an image already uploaded in the Library. Through this menu, you have the option to copy the course, archive, or delete.
  • Edit Price: Add a price for your course. Users will only have access by purchasing it.
  • Steps Configurator: Change the order of your course's steps and decide whether the sequence of the steps will be mandatory or not.
  • Lectures: Add lectures and/or supplemental material for your lectures.
  • Create In-Class Trainings and/or Live Sessions, related with this Course.
  • On the job Training: Create an On the Job training task or edit the existing ones.
  • Add a badge: Employees will be awarded automatically when completing the course.
  • Exams: Create an exam for your course or edit the existing ones.
  • Polls: Create a poll to track your employees' feedback or opinions
  • Students: Track the user progress on the Course, Assign (or Unassign) your course to the users under your org structure, send announcements to users about the selected course, etc.
  • Instructors: Update the Instructors of your Course, add new ones, or remove previous ones.
  • Custom Certificate: Create a custom certificate for this specific course. The configuration options are the same as configuring your Academy's custom certificate.


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